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The Immune System Recovery Plan: A Doctor's 4-Step Program to Treat Autoimmune Disease, by Susan Blum

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One of the most sought-after experts in the field of functional medicine shares her proven four-step program to treat, reverse, and prevent autoimmune conditions and repair your immune system.
• Are you constantly exhausted?
• Do you frequently feel sick?
• Are you hot when others are cold, or cold when everyone else is warm?
• Do you have trouble thinking clearly, aka “brain fog”?
• Do you often feel irritable?
• Are you experiencing hair loss, dry skin, or unexplained weight fluctuation?
• Do your joints ache or swell but you don’t know why?
• Do you have an overall sense of not feeling your best, but it has been going on so long it’s actually normal to you?
IF you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have an autoimmune disease, and this book is the “medicine” you need. Among the most prevalent forms of chronic illness in this country, autoimmune disease affects nearly 23.5 million Americans. This epidemic—a result of the toxins in our diet; exposure to chemicals, heavy metals, and antibiotics; and unprecedented stress levels—has caused millions to suffer from autoimmune conditions such as Graves’ disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, lupus, and more. In The Immune System Recovery Plan, Dr. Susan Blum, one of the most sought-after experts in the field of functional medicine, shares the four-step program she used to treat her own serious autoimmune condition and help countless patients reverse their symptoms, heal their immune systems, and prevent future illness.
• Using food as medicine
• Understanding the stress connection
• Healing your gut and digestive system
• Optimizing liver function
Each of these sections includes an interactive workbook to help you determine and create your own personal treatment program. Also included are recipes for simple, easy-to-prepare dishes to jump-start the healing process.
The Immune System Recovery Plan is a revolutionary way for people to balance their immune systems, transform their health, and live fuller, happier lives.
- Sales Rank: #4125 in Books
- Published on: 2013-04-02
- Released on: 2013-04-02
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.00" h x 1.10" w x 6.00" l, 1.17 pounds
- Binding: Hardcover
- 384 pages
“The Immune System Recovery Plan is a must read for everyone with autoimmune disease. Dr. Blum masterfully presents the latest scientific information and gives patients practical, natural, and safe ways to help the immune system heal.” (Joel M. Evans, MD Founder and Director of The Center for Women’s Health, Stamford, CT and author of The Whole Pr)
“In the tradition of Hippocrates, Dr. Susan Blum re-establishes food as the most fundamental and powerful mediator of health and wellness. The Immune System Recovery Plan provides a wealth of information, based on leading-edge science, that will surely have a profoundly positive impact on the vitality and longevity of its readers.” (David Perlmutter, MD, FACN, author of GrainBrain: The Surprising Truth About Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar - Your Brain's SilentKillers)
“The Immune System Recovery Plan is a godsend for the millions suffering from autoimmune disorders. This book’s information is life-changing!” (Christiane Northrup, MD, author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause)
“A clearly written, practical, person-friendly and comprehensive approach to relieving the suffering and reversing the damage of autoimmune disease. Thank you Dr. Susan Blum.” (James Gordon, MD author of Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey out of Depression, and founder/ dir)
"When treating autoimmune disease, Dr. Susan Blum takes the whole person into account, using practical tools such as understanding food as medicine and stress management, healing your gut, and supporting your liver. The Immune System Recovery Plan is an empowering, revolutionary approach to treating the causes of all autoimmune conditions." (Joshua Rosenthal Founder and Director of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition)
“The Immune System Recovery Plan is the right book, at the right time, by the right person. We are witnessing a significant increase in autoimmune inflammatory diseases, which include more than 80 different diagnoses. Dr. Blum has done a magnificent job helping the reader to understand how this family of inflammatory disorders, including arthritis and fibromyalgia, can be managed with the diet and lifestyle program she developed in her practice. Her step-by-step approach is based on her considerable years of experience as a physician, and the emerging medical science that, for the first time, has developed an understanding of how genetics, lifestyle and nutrition play a role in origin of these disorders. The approach described in Dr. Blum’s book represents the leading edge in the lifestyle management of chronic inflammatory disorders. It is a ‘news to use’ book that provides real assistance to those with inflammatory disorders who are looking for a clinically sensible approach to their problems.” (Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D., FACN, President, Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute)
About the Author
Susan Blum, MD, MPH, is the founder of the Blum Center for Health in Rye Brook, New York, an advisor to the Institute for Functional Medicine, and serves on the Medical Advisory Board for The Dr. Oz Show. An assistant clinical professor in the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, she has been treating and preventing chronic disease for more than a decade. She lives in Armonk, New York, with her husband and three sons.
Michele Bender is an award-winning freelance writer whose work has appeared in national publications, including The New York Times, Family Circle, Glamour, Real Simple, Redbook, and In Style, among others. She is the coauthor and ghostwriter for several bestsellers by high-profile experts and celebrities.
Mark Hyman, MD, is the editor in chief of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, the most prestigious journal in the field of integrative medicine. After ten years as co-medical director at Canyon Ranch in the Berkshires, he is now in private practice in Lenox, Massachusetts. He is the coauthor of the New York Times bestseller Ultraprevention. His websites are and
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
The Immune System Recovery Plan INTRODUCTION Getting Started: A New Partnership
There’s a growing epidemic in our country. It doesn’t grab newspaper headlines or make the evening news, but it’s there and it is debilitating and potentially deadly. It is the epidemic of autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases are among the most prevalent forms of chronic illness in this country, now affecting an estimated 23.5 million Americans. More people suffer from this group of chronic illnesses than from cancer or heart disease, yet most people don’t even know what these conditions are. This lack of awareness is killing us—literally. It’s causing severe pain, disability, and even death. Worse yet, many people with autoimmune conditions suffer with their symptoms because conventional doctors either can’t figure out what’s wrong or can’t get to the root of the problem.
The answer is functional medicine, a medical specialty that has come of age in the past ten years and focuses on reversing these chronic conditions. Hope is here. You’re holding it in your hands.
There are more than one hundred different autoimmune conditions, and they are all serious chronic diseases caused by an underlying problem in the immune system. This book is a call to alarm: these diseases are reversible and curable if caught early, before they progress and cause severe pain, disability, and even death. The first symptoms might be vague feelings of fatigue, muscle or joint pain, or a nagging feeling that something isn’t right. With simple blood tests, you can be diagnosed at this early stage, and then, by following the steps in this book, your immune system can be brought back into balance before irreversible damage is done to your brain, joints, thyroid, blood vessels, and other vital organs. If you have been suffering from an autoimmune condition for some time and you have already experienced some tissue damage, this book will help you feel better in general, show how you can actually reverse the effects of the disease, and help prevent your specific tissue damage from getting worse. As a doctor, I have long been aware of autoimmune conditions such as Graves’ disease, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, lupus, multiple sclerosis (MS), Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, psoriasis, alopecia areata, vitiligo, Sjögren’s syndrome, and scleroderma, among others. But when I was diagnosed with one of these illnesses, it changed both my personal and professional lives forever.
Before I go any further, let me introduce myself the way I would if you were one of the patients in my office. I’m Dr. Susan Blum, a board-certified physician in preventive medicine and an assistant clinical professor in the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. I am also the founder of Blum Center for Health in Rye Brook, New York.
In medical school, I started down the road of traditional medicine. Then during my internal medicine residency, I quickly realized that I didn’t want to focus just on illness or disease; I wanted to focus on preventing those conditions in the first place. But back then preventive medicine consisted mostly of screening tests and public health programs. It wasn’t part of a doctor’s everyday practice. Physicians just weren’t given the tools in medical school to help their patients change their behavior, such as how to get people to eat healthfully or reduce stress. I knew I had to take a different route as a doctor, so I sought training from institutions that were considered “outside the box” at the time. In particular, I was interested in the relationship between stress, nutrition, and illness.
I moved off the beaten path of traditional medicine toward a more holistic approach and into an emerging field called functional medicine. First I completed a program at the Center for Mind-Body Medicine in Washington, D.C., where I learned tools for stress management and methods to reverse the effects of stress on the body. Then, at the Institute for Functional Medicine, I learned how food affects these processes, either promoting health or causing diseases. When I started applying what I had learned about stress management and nutrition in my own practice, I saw firsthand how these methods helped people to prevent and actually reverse chronic diseases. These two ideas—prevention and reversal of chronic disease—became my passions and are at the core of my medical practice today. But there is one area where these techniques are truly life-changing: autoimmune diseases.
I know this not only because I have seen the benefits for my patients who suffer from autoimmune diseases but also because I saw the impact on myself when I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease.
I discovered it more than a decade ago when a friend asked me why my hands were so yellow. I actually hadn’t noticed this before, but she was right, so I immediately had blood work done to find out why.
“You have hypothyroidism,” my doctor told me after the lab results came back. Me? A thyroid problem? I couldn’t believe it. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. This hormone is necessary to help the body convert beta-carotene, a nutrient found in yellow and orange fruits and vegetables, into vitamin A. Because this conversion wasn’t happening, all the beta-carotene from my healthful diet wasn’t being properly processed. Instead, these nutrients were building up in my body, and one symptom of this was my yellow hands. In retrospect, I realized that this wasn’t the only one. Another was the fact that I had to work really hard to keep from gaining weight, and a third was that I was often very tired. But at the time I didn’t realize these were signs of a problem. They had been part of my life for so long that I considered them “normal.”
Further testing revealed even more bad news. I had an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. In other words, my immune system, which is normally the body’s defense in the daily battle against infection and invaders, was no longer protecting or defending me. In fact, my immune cells had turned against my thyroid, attacking it and damaging it to the point where it was struggling unsuccessfully to make enough thyroid hormone. I was shocked. I had become a vegetarian years earlier, I exercised regularly, I practiced yoga and meditation, and I had cultivated a strong, spiritual faith. I had faced my demons in psychotherapy and was finally content with my life. Because I was doing what I thought were all the right things already, being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease was shocking and frightening. I was also a medical doctor, so I just couldn’t believe that something was going on inside my body that I didn’t know about.
But my primary care physician just shrugged off this upsetting news. “It’s no big deal,” he said. “You’ll just take thyroid hormone replacement medication and be fine.” No big deal? Maybe not to him, but my intuition told me something wasn’t right. My body was out of balance, and I wanted answers. Why did I have this disease? And why now? To understand my illness, I decided to use it as an opportunity to explore all that traditional and nontraditional medicine had to offer me. I didn’t want to take a pill that would only mask the problem and just manage my symptoms. I wanted to know why those symptoms were there in the first place.
The journey that I began after my diagnosis of Hashimoto’s disease led me deeper into the unique and, at the time, relatively new field of functional medicine, an approach that considers the whole person, not just his or her symptoms. After receiving my diagnosis, I began using the principles I learned at the Institute for Functional Medicine to treat myself. As a result, I discovered that because of a genetic predisposition, I’m at high risk for autoimmune diseases. I also learned that my body has trouble removing mercury from my system. (Mercury is a toxin that’s damaging to tissue in our bodies and a potential cause of autoimmune diseases.) I went on a gluten-free diet and reduced my mercury exposure by no longer eating fish high in this heavy metal (such as tuna, swordfish, eel, and striped bass), and over the course of two years I had my many dental amalgam fillings removed. I began to drink protein shakes that reduce inflammation and enhance the function of the liver. (Since the liver is the body’s main detoxifying organ, this helps it clear mercury and other toxins from the body.) Two years after I learned I had Hashimoto’s and started the journey to treat my autoimmune disease using functional medicine, my antibody levels were normal and my disease was cured. I was taking a small amount of thyroid hormone (called levothyroxine), and I had great energy and my weight was easy to maintain. I was thrilled and excited to share what I had learned with my patients.
That was the first step. Because my thyroid was already damaged when I was first diagnosed, my next goal was healing my thyroid, which can take a variable amount of time for each person, depending on how long it has been under attack by the autoimmune disease. Since my thyroid gland was quite damaged from the Hashimoto’s, I still needed, and continue to need, thyroid hormone replacement. That said, I now take half the dose that I was taking ten years ago. Today I feel healthier and more energetic than I ever have. My health journey has taught me what my body needs, how to ask, and how to listen. Reversing a chronic disease takes time and effort, but it can be done. My story is proof of that. I did it for myself and made the professional decision to help other people living with autoimmune diseases do it, too.
Years ago I gave a lecture to an audience full of health care professionals at the Center for Mind-Body Medicine’s professional training program. During that lecture, I talked about the importance of using food as medicine and how simple things such as breathing and relaxation can work to help heal disease. I was stunned to find that these important, life-changing concepts were new to most of the two hundred people in the audience. And they were health care professionals! I couldn’t believe it. How could these doctors teach these things to their patients if they didn’t understand them and weren’t practicing them themselves? It was then that I realized it was time to get the word out more broadly than simply to my patients and the people who attended that lecture and other talks I continue to give.
In 2010, after several years of planning (and many more spent dreaming about such an opportunity), I opened Blum Center for Health in Rye Brook, New York, where the focus is on a comprehensive integration of functional medicine, mind-body medicine, and preventive medicine. It includes a cooking school to teach patients and clients how to eat for their health and a mind-body-spirit center that teaches an array of relaxation techniques not only to prevent chronic health conditions but also to reverse them. This, combined with the functional medicine treatment I offer as a medical doctor, has created extraordinary, life-changing results for my patients.
I’m not the only person who has been told to simply pop a few pills and move on. And I’m certainly not the only one who thought that there should be a better way. Today, in my functional medicine practice at Blum Center for Health, patients often share with me what their traditional medical doctors have said after diagnosing them with an autoimmune disease: “Get used to the painkillers. You’ll need them for the rest of your life,” “We don’t know why people get these diseases,” and “Your immune system can’t be treated.” These are just a few examples, but the recurring theme is generally one of hopelessness. The idea is that you should just accept your diagnosis and the inevitable lifelong battle with painkillers, drugs that suppress your immune system, and the side effects of both (some of which can be devastating and long-term). I simply refused to accept that there was nothing I could do for myself or the other 23.5 million Americans currently living with autoimmune diseases. But with the prevalence of autoimmune diseases on the rise, I know that there are many, many people living with these conditions who will never make it to my office. I wrote this book so I could offer this plan—an effective and healthy approach—to a broader audience.
Many traditional doctors have an attitude of “just give in to your illness,” which only leads you to feel utterly powerless. It also makes your disease worse because it undermines the body’s natural healing process. The mind-body connection is real and powerful. There are many studies that show that the more control a person feels he or she has over a situation, the higher the rate of healing. People do better, feel better, and live better with various health conditions if they have a sense that there is something they can do for themselves. And there is! That is one of the core principles of functional medicine, and as an expert in the field, I’m here to show you how much control you can have over your own health and well-being.
So what exactly is a functional medicine expert? First, let me tell you what it is not. Most traditional doctors take note of your symptoms and figure out what diagnosis they can bundle those symptoms into. This usually dictates your treatment. Therefore, if you and a friend have the same symptoms, you often get the same diagnosis and then the same treatment. This works for trauma and for health issues such as appendicitis or a broken leg, where certain things such as surgery can remedy an immediate problem or symptom. Unfortunately, this approach doesn’t work when you’re trying to treat and prevent complex, chronic illnesses such as autoimmune diseases.
A functional medicine expert is like a medical detective gathering all the clues of your past (where you grew up, your family situation, traumatic events, health history, etc.) and your present (potential toxins in your environment, social life, stress level, relationships, diet, workout regimen, sleep habits, symptoms, etc.). Armed with this information, a functional medicine expert tries to uncover how and why your body is not functioning well. This type of detective work is what I offer all of my patients at Blum Center for Health and what I used to cure myself of the serious autoimmune condition that I had. It is exactly what I will offer you with the interactive elements that run throughout this book.
Sidney Baker, M.D., a well-known preventive medicine specialist who is often called the father of functional medicine, once said, “If you are sitting on a tack, the answer is not to treat the pain. The solution is to find the tack and remove it.” The Immune System Recovery Plan will help you find the “tacks” that are causing your immune system to malfunction and remove them one by one. It will take you through the four critical steps that will remove things from the body that are bad for the immune system and then make sure the body has exactly what it needs to function properly.
I wrote The Immune System Recovery Plan to share an important message of hope and healing. Shockingly, there is no other book on the market that tells the average person how the immune system works and shows how to fix it. And that’s exactly what I’ll detail in these pages. I will explain how I have helped hundreds of people with autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren’s syndrome, Hashimoto’s disease, and Graves’ disease, among others, reverse their symptoms and reduce their antibodies.
Antibodies are molecules normally made by your immune cells to attack and destroy foreign invaders, but in autoimmune diseases, these antibodies are misdirected and attack and damage your own tissue. Many of these conditions are chronic, debilitating, and potentially life-threatening. In fact, autoimmune diseases are one of the top ten leading causes of death in girls and in women up to sixty-four years of age.
The Immune System Recovery Plan will help you figure out what you’re feeling, why you’re experiencing certain symptoms, and how you can treat the underlying causes of those symptoms so you can reverse your autoimmune disease. How can one book address whatever autoimmune condition you have? Because most of these conditions have similar underlying imbalances. Through the interactive aspects in The Immune System Recovery Plan, which include checklists, questionnaires, and self-assessments, you will be able to do with this book what my patients do with me in my office. Naturally, you won’t be doing your own blood work or stool tests (since those require a health care professional), but by using the four steps in this book, you will learn how to treat whatever autoimmune condition you have. The four steps to healing and preventing autoimmune disease are:
• Step 1: Using food as medicine
• Step 2: Understanding the stress connection
• Step 3: Healing your gut
• Step 4: Supporting your liver
I suggest you do the four steps in order, which will help you reap the most benefit from this book. However, each one can also stand alone, so you can target one area at a time if you prefer. The Immune System Recovery Plan is divided into four parts, corresponding to the four steps. Each part is divided into three chapters:
• The first chapter in each part offers a clear explanation about how the immune system is affected by the topic at hand—for example, how the immune system responds to stress or how digestive health influences the immune system.
• The second chapter is a workbook with self-assessments. Using the results of these assessments, I will help you personalize your own treatment plan. This chapter will provide all the information you need to implement the plan, including specific instructions on how to integrate these tools into daily life and how to make permanent lifestyle changes.
• The third chapter provides recipes that show you how to use food as part of your personalized treatment plan. Each recipe includes foods specifically targeted to each of the four steps.
As we move through the four steps, I will explain why each is important and show you how quickly you can begin to feel better. By following each of the four steps, either alone or together, you will begin to improve your immune system immediately. These steps are the foundation that I use in the treatment plan I create for every one of my patients and are the simplest and most effective “medicine.”
The Immune System Recovery Plan will answer the following questions and many more:
• How the five A’s (antacids, antibiotics, Advil, alcohol, and animal foods) make you sick
• Why the most common foods in the standard American diet are commonly mistaken by your body as invaders, causing your immune system to attack your own body
• How exposure to mercury and other toxins changes the composition of your tissues, causing your immune system to attack your own body
• How common viruses—such as the Epstein-Barr virus, which causes mono—can provoke an ongoing immune reaction that causes you to feel chronically swollen, stiff, puffy, and tired
• How conventional treatments, which shut off the body’s immune response, have serious side effects including insomnia, weight gain, muscle pain, increased blood pressure, and depression
• How the functional medicine approach can be used in conjunction with traditional treatments to offer big benefits and very little risk
• How every virus you’ve ever had—including cold sores, chicken pox, shingles, hepatitis, Epstein-Barr, and more—leaves residual particles in your body that can develop into autoimmune disease, and how to make sure that those conditions aren’t created in your body
• How 70 percent of your immune system lives in your gut, and why balancing the good and bad bacteria in your digestive tract can lead to optimal immune function
• How having the right amount of bacteria in your gut reduces the incidence of allergies and autoimmune disease
One thing I’d like to note is that although this book highlights autoimmune conditions/diseases, The Immune System Recovery Plan will help anyone wishing to have a healthier, more balanced immune system. The steps outlined here have helped my patients who suffer from asthma and allergies, as well as people who feel they catch every flu or cold bug that they encounter.
More people today than ever before have autoimmune diseases, and this epidemic is partially the result of an environment that bombards us with toxic food, stress, chemicals, and heavy metals. And while we cannot live in a bubble, we can protect our health by becoming more aware and changing what comes into our homes, into our families, and into our bodies. Every single one of us has both a choice and a responsibility to care for ourselves.
What’s most important to know is that we do have control over what happens to us. Yes, being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease is something to take seriously. But it is not a life sentence and should not be treated as one. You don’t have to live in pain or take debilitating medication for the rest of your life. You can heal your own immune system. I know this not only because I’ve experienced this with many of my patients but also because I have lived it.
The Immune System Recovery Plan gives you tools for treating and even reversing your autoimmune conditions as well as the tools for preventing them in the first place. My goal for you while reading this book is to see that autoimmune disorders are treatable and that permanent solutions do exist beyond a lifetime of taking pills. There is hope and so much that you—yes, you—can do to be the facilitator of your own healing. And you are not alone. I am here to guide you on this journey, so let’s get started!
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), “Research discoveries of the last decade have made autoimmune research one of the most promising new areas of discovery.”
I realize that this book contains technical information that can sometimes feel overwhelming and treatment plans that are asking you to make many changes in your diet and your life. But as you read through it all, take a deep breath and look past the trees. I want you to see the forest. I want you to know that there are options that don’t involve medication—options that can actually help you heal your immune system. While you do need to focus on the trees, which are the details of each of the four steps in this book, keep your eye on the big picture of what we are trying to accomplish: healing your body on the deepest level.
My goals for this book are threefold. First, I want you to realize that an enormous body of scientific literature supports this approach to healing and balancing the immune system. You may come up against physicians who are unfamiliar with functional medicine and unfamiliar with some of the studies I share with you in this book. But just because your doctor doesn’t know about this information doesn’t mean it is wrong. My goal in this book is to empower you to take charge of your own health. I also want you to have the confidence to share this information with others.
My second goal is to offer you treatment like what you might get at my office. There are millions of you and only one of me. This is why I created a workbook. It is broken up into sections so that you can put it down and pick it up later, working through at your own pace. It is a lot to do at once, and you don’t have to do it all in one week or even one month. Don’t get overwhelmed. You can do it. And remember, help is always close by: you can get help from our website, or you can find a functional medicine doctor to help you figure some of this out if it is too much for you. (See the appendix for resources.)
My third goal for this book is to offer a message of hope. My heart sings at the opportunity to let you know that you don’t need to give up and give in to a life of chronic suffering and medication. I sincerely wish each of you a healing journey as you make these changes that I know will help you feel better.
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By tittasisa
I read this book as I suffered from complications due to Sjogren's, Chronic Fatigue, Inflammation, Circulation and Nerve issues, Ovarian and Breast cysts, Fybromialgia and Raynaud's. I have read most of the books related to auto immune conditions and this book is very informative. Much of what Dr. Blum suggests in her book is what my current integrative rheumatoligist practices. However, most books, including this one, share stories of full recoveries without emphasizing that the healing process takes time as a weakened immune system is sensitive and it often feels like a maze to find what works and doesn't for each individual with an auto-immune condition. Recovery is definitely a journey and there are setbacks through the process. I did get lost in all the supplements Dr. Blum recommends - many that I cannot tolerate but there are some that have been extremely helpful. A lot of the tests she recommends are also very helpful when you first are diagnosed and overwhelmed. I now no longer have to take prescription medications, antacids, Evoxac pills to make saliva daily and no longer have a running fever, neuropathy problems, severe inflammation, migraines, clotting, fatigue or joint pain and my chronic stomach problems are improving as I heal my gut which reacted to many foods and supplements. Along with a detox diet similar to what Dr. Blum recommends (but more defined towards low histamines and alkaline - geared towards lessening the acidosis, ammonia and sulfate levels in order to detoxify and methylate) as well as, supporting my adrenals, supplements and test recommendations that are indicative to my recovery and deficiencies, I implemented homeopathy and acupuncture as well as the NAET allergy elimination treatments at first. I was so sensitive to supplements and any chemical, that I had to first start with homeopathy combined with acupuncture to start making my own saliva and stop the fevers, inflammation and fatigue (that took 3 months) and dryness, reducing the acidosis, then testing and addressing my viral infections, vitamin/mineral deficiencies, genetic disposition (23andme website test results were helpful), toxic overloads, adrenals, bacterial/fungal overgrowth and so forth until my immune system started to improve and I had more good days than bad. Small Intestinal Bacterial (and "Fungal" Overgrowth) is tough to beat and causes many sensitivities, including to histamine, amines, fermented foods, sulfur, etc and Sjogrens fosters this condition. I wish I would have tested for viral infections first above all because this alone can drive the stomach and SIBO and other related issues. And you can be following a strict diet and still not make headway due to viral infections. If you are battling viral infections, SIBO/candida/dysbosis/leaky gut and you have an autoimmune condition, look into checking for any type of viral, bacterial, parasital and systemic fungal infection - also check high oxalate and histamine levels (ask for blood test or 24 hour urine test which in my case showed high histamine levels or OAT/ organic acid test for oxalate levels), sulfur, ammonia levels and address that as well as undermethylation (overmethylation for some) or a CBS enzyme deficiency issue (see heartfixer website by Dr. James Roberts - check out the section under methyl cycle nutrigenomics and many important diagnostic tests are listed - and also the geneticgenie website about genetic coding and websites by Dr Ben Lynch and Amy Yasko) and also the Facebook oxalate group by Susan Owens. I found the website by Dr. Vasilka Yurukova to be very helpful but speaking to her directly helped me pull the missing pieces together and simplify my protocol for recovery when all of this can be so overwhelming. She helped me zero in on the tests I was missing and then we were able to diagnose more in specific what was going on in my system and then proceed with the right supplements. Prior to speaking to her, I had all types of tests (many inconclusive) but kept missing the viral component and her treatments were less toxic on my system than others. My system is just that sensitive. The step that helped me most of all was addressing my acidic system and I used the alkalizing suggestions by Earth Clinic because I could not take other supplements or green drinks at the time. Keep in mind that many of these pathogens cannot survive in an acidic environment.
Lastly, before your thyroid and adrenals are affected or if you are already being affected, consider reading the book by Dr. Izabella Wentz: Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and also see the candida protocol by Christa Orecchio of The Whole Journey (her step by step approach is very informative and helpful to recovery). Keep in mind that if you have a candida infection, avoiding fermented foods is something that helps until the issue is resolved. Fermented foods snuff out oxygen and that's counterproductive. I had reactions to anything sulphur/sulfur based and found the link related to heavy metal toxicity, in my case mercury and cadmium. Dr. Blum does not cover this enough in her book so take note of that. She also doesn't cover Lyme in depth as well. Lyme can also cause the body build up ammonia and this is why for me testing was helpful in trying to pinpoint the infections.
Originally, stomach issues festered even after treatment because in many cases, the gut is still "fermenting" - meanwhile your gut needs the necessary enzymes and acids to break down foods. It wasn't until I addressed the viral, that things started to calm down. Try to steer away from antibiotics. Rule out HPylori and parasites through testing by key labs. However, sometimes HPylori an other pathogens hide in the biofilm so this gets tricky. If you get tested for SIBO, also ask to have a test to discern fungal overgrowth. Sometimes SIBO is treated for bacterial overgrowth only when often fungal overgrowth is at the root as well. There are so many probable pathogens and for me the fungal, was the main culprit and often gets overlooked - I had to lower the yeast levels and increase the good bacteria in my gut. My body was hyper acidic and my diet had to be changed drastically. I avoided gluten and dairy as well. I was not able to tolerate many of the powder supplements that Dr. Blum sells but the good thing is that it raised a red flag of my intolerances and viral infections that this book does not fully cover, and that started the process of finding the root cause. My genetic coding report helped me zero in on the tests I needed and the right diet and supplements for me to start clearing certain pathways to help my body methylate and start healing.
At the worst of my symptoms, I had a malasborbtion problem, parasites and my clogged liver (along with having my gallbladder and pancreas being affected) was not methylating well so I had to rely on certain supplements to assist but as my body started healing, I can now absorb nutrients better through my diet and many supplements are no longer needed. Healing the leaky gut and addressing the bacterial, fungal, parasital and viral infections are a necessity because these pathogenic biofilms may be the reason the body is in thea autoimmune mode. The reason I list so many references in this review is because many will follow a low sugar and gluten free diet and still not feel well when there are other intolerances going on that need to be addressed. What is healthy for one person can be toxic for another. If you know you have a histamine issue, look into the low histamine/candida diet, and so forth to hold you over until you heal the leaky gut and address the infections going on. The fermented products are great for the digestive system but if you have a viral infections or fungal issue, you will have reactions and this is a good indicator. The infections and pathogenic biofilms and mycoplasma need to be eradicated for full healing to take place and your diet will be key combined with certain supplements. If you have chronic fatigue, which most people with autoimmune conditions do, look at the website Earth Clinic among others covering this subject, Phoenix Rising CFS. CFS is basically equates to a culminations of infections. I improved as I tackled each infection and I did so with patience (especially the heavy metal detox) vs. trying to resolve the problem in a few weeks. I did not find that possible.
Some of the steps/supplements many authors suggest many are not able to tolerate because the supplements are overwhelming for most people who are ill. If you suspect a candida/fungal/yeast problem (a clue is when you cannot tolerate anything fermented, digestive enzymes with HCL or digestive bitters), look at the candida topic by Bill Thompson and Ted in Earth Clinic as they provide a biochemical perspective (certain supplements such as sodium bicarbonate tie with candida/cancer), but again, it is very important to be cautious and you may want to proceed under the direction of someone who has treated patients successfully with pathogenic fungi and mycoplasma. There are various regimens to address candida. One of my favorites is the one by Christa Orecchio The Whole Journey and Earth Clinic. Much is listed on the website that is user friendly but if you need step by step instructions, her plan is $200+. The information you gather will help you understand your test results better and you will start connecting the dots. You will start asking the questions that will zero in on the problem as a result. I have found this to be key before you proceed with supplements. You will find that many medical experts differ in opinions of diets and protocols so you will have to decipher and weed through a lot to find the right balance vs. going to extremes. In doing so, you will be able to better define your diet and minimize your supplements. This is why testing, again, is important as you pay attention to your symptoms. This is all so very overwhelming and you will feel discouraged at times but you will find that in time, you will become better informed and there is a support system out there. You are not alone in this battle.
Many autoimmune sufferers have methylation problems(this is helpful to know if you can't digest cultured/fermented foods or if you try a certain diet protocol and still can't fully make headway) and that is not covered in Dr. Blum's book so I also followed a diet that lowers histamine levels, ammonia and one that limited oxalatates (this is key) until I addressed the fungal and yeast overgrowth. I was also low in molybdenum, selenium and DAO depleted. This needs to be resolved for the histamine levels to drop. It was not easy but helped turned the corner for me. There is so much to figure out individually it seems. Please just keep in mind all these doctors don't know everything - they are learning themselves as they go along. If you suspect a methylation problem, you may want to look up the research done by Dr. Amy Yasco and Dr. Ben Lynch and the MTHFR support group found by Sterling Hill. I gathered as much information that coincided with my genetic testing results and I can now see the correlation and tendencies within my family. Since the underlying root was the gut dysbosis and leaky gut and viral infections - along high histamine and oxalate levels/undermethylation/CBS enzyme deficiency, then my gut issues and the SIBO were just going to continue to reoccur if the histamine/sulfur/ammonia levels were not treated first along with the fungal overgrowth and biofilm association with SIBO that is often overlooked. It can become a vicious circle if you are not careful. Also, the clogged liver, gallbladder and low adrenals must be supported and a whole detoxification of the body needs to take place for the immune system to heal. Autoimmune problems affect the entire endocrine system. This book also suggests taking oregano oil as a natural antibiotic and for me, it was helpful for the fungal aspect but rather strong and taxing on my system at times as it can wipe out a lot. I always proceed cautiously with any supplement to see how my body reacts first. Everyone is different and my case was chronic, complicated and extreme.
Lastly, keep in mind that autoimmune conditions directly affect your entire endocrine system. As a result, your thyroid is in direct attack and often the problem goes undetected until the damage is advanced. May I suggest you pick up a copy of the book by Izabella Weintz, Hashimotos Thyroiditis The Root Cause. There are many golden nuggets in that book including which probiotics may work best, a good elemental diet for those with SIBO, etc.
Listen to your body and take one step at a time to achieve recovery. You may want to address one infection at a time so it is not overwhelming and start healing your gut first above all. The rest will follow. Auto-immune conditions start with the gut and there are many deficiencies, malabsorptions and fungal/bacterial/viral infections associated with that as a result. I was allergic and had reactions to everything under the sun initially but now I am so much better and healthier. My skin also reflects this improvement. It is very important to follow the right diet based on your condition, symptoms, deficiencies (based on what testing indicates) etc. and please avoid all processed foods and GMOs, and stay within the organic realm. For certain women such as myself, my menstrual cycles became intolerable and I battled ovarian and breast cysts. I realized I was becoming estrogen dominant and after I took Vitex (liquid non-alcoholic tincture), the symptoms went away when I addressed the estrogen dominance and hormone/adrenals issues naturally.
Basically I have taken the best information, research and techniches available to me and applied what works best for my healing process. I had to research everything and that was no easy task but it had to be done because doctors are just learning themselves. All this is leading to my recovery and I only wish the same and the best for all auto-immune sufferers - especially since many physicians are not well versed in functional medicine yet and this is all so overwhelming in the beginning. This book is a great starting point and resource but if you have serious complications, you need to dig deeper and connect the dots. I wish this book had been around three years ago when my symptoms started to better guide me. Too much time was dangerously wasted in getting an accurate diagnosis for my condition. The author of this book is correct in her assessment that it is best to address the symptoms early before the immune system is further compromised and conditions worsen. You might get lost in trying to figure out which supplement to take when so many are listed in this book so use some common sense and try one or two at a time to see what works for you best. Take out what doesn't settle well with your system and don't give up on your efforts as healing the immune system takes time and relapses occur until you find the right approach and balance to what works for your body. Get the proper tests to better assist you and your physician through the process as this journey is one that requires several steps to healing. What helped me after gathering as much information as possible, was to request certain tests through my gastro and rheumy (unless you have a good ND or functional medicine doctor already) that my insurance would cover (and some that my insurance did not but without paying outrageous prices). Then with those test results, I found a great specialist confident and experienced in treating in my issues who was up on the latest and that did not break the bank or self promote, I lowered my costs without spinning my wheels, which is what I did initially by investing in supplements with no return. I also learned it is critical to have tests done so you are not taking supplements that may worsen your condition, set you back or further trigger your immune system.
Become informed so you do not follow anything, anyone or any doctor blindly. Most of all, listen to your body and take charge.
** July update. These are the steps I took which pertain to my symptoms and not intended for all or as medical advice or to promote products or sales.
1) ALKALIZE - ALKALIZE - ALKALIZE took supplements (Earth Clinic website alkalization worked for me) and lots of mineral water to alkalize my system for an extended period of time (alkalizing helped SIBO/histamine intolerance symptoms tremendously), bringing the ammonia levels down (change of diet - if you have a problem with sulfur or digesting protein, then you may want to look into this - CBS sulfation pathway and this can also be related to hpylori/fungal infection and heavy metal toxicity, For me, I took out all fermented foods as well as honey, chocolate, all grains, beans and anything that creates gas, vinegars, fried foods in vegetable oil (coconut oil for cooking worked best for me), dairy, gluten, nightshade veggies, most legumes (chickpeas were fine) high histamine and sulfur foods, cut out most red meat, etc. I followed a low histamine and low oxalate diet but it was balanced and I did not eliminate everything. I also took homeopathic remedy Nux Moschata and acupuncture combined to regain more moisture and was then able to get my saliva back in full after 3 months and no more Raynaud's. I was also given homeopathy to help heal the mucosa lining of my stomach as well as other intolerances so I could take the detox as I reacted to most herbs.
2) PUT OUT THE FIRE - Dr. Blum has a good gut cleanse powder but many naturopaths or good acupuncturists have herbs to help calm the fire in the stomach if you have the pain under the rib cage (gastritis), which is often associated with hPylori or gastritis due to parasites.
3) PARASITE CLEANSE - This is important. There are various good programs out there. I took Paragone but Systemic Formulas is also great along with Accell daily. Accell daily is a great supplement and would recommend it highly for a few months along with sunflower lecithin and FIBR (System Formulas) if you are constipated.
4) ADDRESS THE BAD BUGS - If you feel you have a combination of candida/Fungal Overgrowth/SIBO/LEAKY GUT, then look into Christa Orecchio Gut Thrive program. Remember that none one program fits all but her program addresses all of the above while doing a heavy metal detox - all in one approach that may save you time. But this program is not meant for all if you have certain intolerances to some of the supplements suggested. They are expensive protocols so please study them out well first. For me, my genetic testing helped to understand why I could not tolerate some supplements. This is why you need to listen to your body and investigate the best protocols for your system.
5) ADDRESS THYROID and ADRENAL SUPPORT – I had hypothyroidism and my diet and supplements were geared to support my thyroid. I found alkalizing to be most productive along with a strict diet. It is important not to overlook the thyroid support (the book by Izabella Wentz is a must) and also checking for heavy metals (Dr. Susan Blum zeroes in on this in her book). When your thyroid is in trouble, I found that you must avoid certain foods or you will continually relapse and pack on the weight. Alkalization is key along with diet if you can't make headway along with certain supplements. Another good book is the one by Amy Myers The Autoimmune Solution
6) HEAVY METAL DETOX – you may not be able to tolerate the heavy metal detox protocols if your body is not strong enough. This is why addressing the gut issues first is key. If you have sulfur allergies, you might want to consider this step. With Sjogrens, cadmium levels are usually high, etc. Clearing the body of heavy metals is a gradual process so try to be patient with this step. The minerals I took were selective so that I did not introduce more heavy metals back into my system.
7) LIVER AND GALL BLADDER FLUSHES - this will help your body methylate better as well as detox your liver, gall bladder, etc. There are various protocols out there. See Andrea Moritz liver cleanse (it is aggressive). However, if you have a weak system, you may want to look into other protocols that are more gentle but effective over time.
8) VIRAL INFECTIONS - there are many supplements that help with viral infections including humic acid, Cellfood (don't take this with Paragone or they cancel out) helps to oxygenate as well as re-mineralize body. This also helps address the viral infections, and also hpylori, etc. There are other mineral supplements if you can’t tolerate Cellfood due to the sulfites (an inability to oxidize and detoxify sulfur compounds) but Cellfood is key for viral infections. If you can’t tolerate any mineral supplements, look into the CBS enzyme deficiency protocol to overcome that at the heartfixer website. 23andme genetic testing gave me a good roadmap. Cellfood is not tolerated well by those with sulfite allergies. For viral infections, humic acid and fulvic acid are super helpful but I would recommend after doing the heavy metal detox (as you don’t want to add more heavy metals back into your system before the detox) and homeopathy to address the viral infections. Other great supplements to help alleviate the viral infections are VitaNutrients Viracon, AHCC or Shitake mushroom, Shilajit Extract, Fulvic Acid. I took some of these at night on an empty stomach and they helped wipe out the 3 am. stomach inflammation and reflux type of sensation that would wake me. This is a good indication that there is a viral component.
If you have a reaction to raw garlic (due to the ethiols), fermented foods, supplements such as Alpha Lipoic, NAC due to a sulfur intolerance, then again, you might want to be tested for heavy metals, candida or Lyme. I had two hair analysis tests done by different labs and both showed the same results for me. Poor sulfur oxidizers often have seasonal hayfever allergiers, CFS, impaired glutathione synthesis, etc.
9) GENETIC TESTING - see for genetic testing - there are other labs as well but this is the least expensive. Your genetic coding will help explain a lot. I was able to understand my sensitivities, as well as why I reacted to certain supplements that do well for others and more importantly, it helped me address and help correct some of the mutations. I found it to be a good road map for me that explained my sulfur intolerance and mutations.
Note _ I followed a CFS methylation protocol - my body undermethylates. This is where the tests are very important. My DNA test results showed CBS deficiency snps as well as DAO enzyme depletion and my lab work showed low homocysteine and given the fact that I could not tolerate Bcomplex (as I improved, B complex Plus by Pure Encapsulations was one I could tolerate ell), then I knew I had CFS (culmination of infections) and my body was not able to detox or methylate correctly. In order to clear that pathway, this last step was helpful and I took it slow under a doctor's direction at times for modifications. Note - I don't believe that methylation is the root problem so if you are on a good protocol to get rid of the pathogens successfully, this step may not be necessary as your gut issues resolve and you are able to detox successfully. If you are aware of your genetic disposition, you will know how to proceed as you heal yourself. There were certain supplements that did not work for me and my genetic profile validated that but for me, I found that poor methylation came as a result of other contributing factors.
Since I have hayfever allergies and high histamine/sulfur levels (common with Sjogrens and if you can't eat fermented foods and many with Sjogrens have cadmium toxicity), I took a combination of active B6, zinc, magnesium, manganese, and a few other key supplements that helped me tremendously to lower the sulfur levels and with acid reflux along with bringing down the ammonia and acid levels, etc. However, I was not able to tolerate antioxidants such as Vitamin C initially (vitamin C is very important) so this is where it gets tricky and it takes steps to cross those bridges. I also was given other homeopathy remedies to address the viral infections and stayed on those for months. Some people take milk kefir to get the B complex benefits but I could not tolerate kefir due to histamine levels and dairy intolerance also had a problem with certain B vitamins and casein. I had to isolate which of the vitamin Bs I could take safely and took them individually vs as a complex until my body got stronger. My guess is that when I was given a series of antibiotics throughout my life for sinus infections, my vitamin B6 and zinc levels were depleted, which is common with allergies. Thus, weakening my body's line of defense that was not addressed through the years.
Please understand this takes months to a few years to heal and it needs to become a lifestyle in order not to relapse - for me the detox alone took a long time because of an entire gut dysbosis. But once you feel better, you will feel the inflammation come down drastically, etc. So stay on course and again, testing is key. For example, some people have high levels of copper and some trap calcium and some can't take supplements such as iodine because it can trigger the immune system further - others have low levels and if you supplement incorrectly, it can backfire on you. Most important, learn to relax and take each day in stride. Take yoga and meditation classes and the reason I mention this is to help calm your body so your immune system can try to recover and stop going on overdrive. Then everything else calms down with a good immune system - the viral issues and other reactions and issues will have a chance to resolve themselves as your immune system recovers and is not in constant alert. Think of the journey as a way of life to recovery so you are patient with each step towards recovery
183 of 205 people found the following review helpful.
Amazing Book
By Avid Reader
I read health books all the time and have never written a review but this book is so good that I decided to write one. Anyone with an auto-immune disease should read this. There is an extensive scientific literature review to support the recommended program. The information is up to date and extremely comprehensive -- it covers everything you need to know. I have learned so much (and have already read every book that is recommended in the appendix) and am inspired to add some of the new information from the book into my treatment plan. My only negative is that although Dr. Blum mentions and recommends the Paleo Diet as beneficial to some people with auto-immune diseases -- the recipes in this book are high carb and not paleo. Personally, the paleo diet makes a huge difference in my health. Also, along those same lines, she talks about type 1 diabetes but the recipes in the book are not appropriate for a diabetic -- too high carb as well. The best book on Diabetes and controlling it with diet is Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars-- it is really the bible for diabetes. The recipes aside, the nutritional information is most up to date and can be incorporated into your own recipes. Thank you Dr. Blum for writing such an inspiring, empowering and life changing book.
120 of 133 people found the following review helpful.
Better than expected ...
By MaryAnn
This program is exactly what I needed ... Began book; followed advice and started eliminations before completion of book ... Informative and very understandable ... First week difficult to follow plan ... By second week became almost symptom free ... Took surveys ... Developed personal protocols and set goals ... Almost 6 weeks now and still achieving results. This is not a diet but a lifestyle mind/body adjustment. Feeling better and in control of my wellness future for first time in years.
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[X985.Ebook] Download Ebook The Immune System Recovery Plan: A Doctor's 4-Step Program to Treat Autoimmune Disease, by Susan Blum Doc
[X985.Ebook] Download Ebook The Immune System Recovery Plan: A Doctor's 4-Step Program to Treat Autoimmune Disease, by Susan Blum Doc